Azkaban 3.0 中文文档

Azkaban由LinkedIn开发实现,用以解决Hadoop作业依赖问题。 从ETL工作到数据分析产品,都需要按顺序运行作业作业。



  • 关系数据库(MySQL)
  • AzkabanWebServer
  • AzkabanExecutorServer
Azkaban Overview





  • 项目管理 - 项目管理,项目权限控制,上传的文件等。
  • 执行流程状态 - 跟踪执行流程,跟踪执行流程的执行者。
  • 上一个流程/作业 - 搜索以前执行的作业和流程,以及访问其日志文件。
  • 调度程序 - 保存预定作业的状态
  • SLA - 保存所有的SLA规则



  • 访问项目 - 从数据库中检索项目文件。
  • 执行流程/作业 - 检索并更新正在执行的流程的数据。
  • 日志 - 将作业和流程的输出日志存储到数据库中。
  • 互流依赖性 - 如果流在另一个执行器上运行,它可从数据库中获取状态。



AzkabanWebServer是所有Azkaban的主要管理者。它处理项目管理,认证,调度程序和执行监控。 它也可以作为网络用户界面。

使用Azkaban很容易。Azkaban使用*.job键值属性文件来定义工作流程中的各个作业,并使用_dependencies_属性来定义作业的依赖关系链。这些作业文件和相关代码可以存档到*.zip并通过网络服务器通过Azkaban UI或curl上传。





  1. 下载并安装独立服务器包
  2. 安装Azkaban插件


  1. 设置数据库
  2. 下载并安装Web服务器
  3. 下载并安装Executor Server
  4. 安装Azkaban插件


  1. 设置数据库
  2. 下载并安装Web服务器
  3. 配置数据库以使用多个执行程序
  4. 为数据库中配置的每个执行程序下载并安装Executor Server
  5. 安装Azkaban插件



Azkaban构建使用Gradle(使用gradlew即Gradle包装器)可运行时自动下载),并且需要Java 8或更高版本。

以下命令在Linux,OS X等*nix平台上运行。

  # Build Azkaban
  ./gradlew build

  # Clean the build
  ./gradlew clean

  # Build and install distributions
  ./gradlew installDist

  # Run tests
  ./gradlew test

  # Build without running tests
  ./gradlew build -x test


Gradle在项目目录内创建.tar.gz文件。例如./azkaban-solo-server/build/distributions/azkaban-solo-server-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz。使用tar -xvzf path/to/azkaban-*.tar.gz解压缩。



  • 易于安装 - 不需要MySQL实例。它使用H2作为其主要的持久性存储。
  • 易于启动 - Web服务器和执行器服务器都在相同的过程中运行
  • 全功能 - 它包装所有的Azkaban功能。您可以正常使用它并为其安装插件


  1. 克隆仓库:运行git clone
  2. 构建Azkaban并创建安装运行cd azkaban; ./gradlew build installDist
  3. 启动服务器:运行cd azkaban-solo-server/build/install/azkaban-solo-server; bin/
  4. 停止服务器:运行bin/azkaban-solo-shutdown.sh从azkaban-solo-server安装目录中



文件夹 描述
bin 启动/停止Azkaban的Jetty服务器的脚本
conf Azkaban独立服务器的配置文件
lib Azkaban的jar依赖关系
extlib 添加到extlib的其他jar将被添加到Azkaban的类路径中
plugins 可以安装插件的目录
web Azkaban web服务器的网页(css,javascript,image)文件


  • - 由Azkaban用于运行时参数
  • - 由Azkaban用于运行时参数
  • - 作为共享属性传递给每个工作流和作业的全局静态属性。
  • azkaban-users.xml - 用于添加用户和角色以进行身份​​验证。 如果XmLUserManager未设置为使用此文件,则不使用此文件。




Azkaban的Web服务器可以使用SSL套接字连接器,这意味着密钥库必须可用。您可以按照此链接提供的步骤进行操作([](来创建一个。 一旦创建了密钥库文件,Azkaban必须被赋予它的位置和密码。在_azkaban.properties_中,以下属性应该被覆盖。




  • user.manager.class=azkaban.user.XmlUserManager
  • user.manager.xml.file=conf/azkaban-users.xml








1. 安装MySQL

这些说明不包含MySQL DB的安装,但您可以访问MySQL文档站点上的说明。

2. 设置数据库


# Example database creation command, although the db name doesn't need to be 'azkaban'
mysql> CREATE DATABASE azkaban;


# Example database creation command. The user name doesn't need to be 'azkaban'
mysql> CREATE USER 'username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

设置数据库的用户权限。 为Azkaban创建一个用户(如果尚未创建),并为Azkaban数据库中的所有表赋予用户INSERTSELECTUPDATEDELETE权限。

# Replace db, username with the ones created by the previous steps.
mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON <database>.* to '<username>'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;


要在linux中配置它,请打开/etc/my.cnf 。在mysqld之后的某处,添加以下内容:

$ sudo /sbin/service mysqld restart

3. 创建Azkaban表

下载页面下载azkaban-sql-script tarball。表创建脚本包含在此存档中。


4. 获取JDBC连接器Jar包

出于各种原因,Azkaban不会分发MySQL JDBC连接器jar。你可以从这个链接下载jar包。


设置Azkaban Web服务器

Azkaban Web服务器处理项目管理,认证,调度和执行触发。





文件夹 说明
bin 启动Azkaban的Jetty服务器的脚本
conf Azkaban独立服务器的配置
lib Azkaban的jar依赖关系
extlib 添加到extlib的其他jar将被添加到Azkaban的类路径中
plugins 可以安装插件的目录
web Azkaban Web服务器的网页(css,javascript,image)文件


  • - 由Azkaban用于运行时参数
  • - 作为共享属性传递给每个工作流和作业的全局静态属性。
  • azkaban-users.xml -用于添加用户和角色以进行身份​​验证。 如果XmLUserManager未设置为使用此文件,则不使用此文件。



Azkaban使用SSL套接字连接器,这意味着密钥库必须可用。 您可以按照此链接提供的步骤创建一个。






要将Azkaban Web客户端指向MySQL实例,您需要将连接参数添加到


















将包解压缩到一个目录中。安装路径应该与Azkaban Web服务器不同。提取后,应该有以下目录。

文件夹 描述
bin 启动Azkaban的Jetty服务器的脚本
conf Azkaban独立服务器的配置
lib Azkaban的jar依赖关系
extlib 添加到extlib的其他jar将被添加到Azkaban的类路径中
plugins 可以安装插件的目录






要将Azkaban Web客户端指向MySQL实例,您需要将连接参数添加到






# Azkaban Executor settings


默认情况下,executor.port设置为12321。 AzkabanWebServer也必须指向这个端口。












将所有执行程序插入到执行程序设置的mysql数据库中。验证executors表中正确的执行程序是否处于活动状态。 insert into executors(host,port) values("EXECUTOR_HOST",EXECUTOR_PORT);


Azkaban is designed to make non-core functionalities plugin-based, so that
  1. they can be selectively installed/upgraded in different environments without changing the core Azkaban, and
  2. it makes Azkaban very easy to be extended for different systems.

Right now, Azkaban allows for a number of different plugins. On web server side, there are

  • viewer plugins that enable custom web pages to add features to Azkaban. Some of the known implementations include HDFS filesystem viewer, and Reportal.
  • trigger plugins that enable custom triggering methods.
  • user manager plugin that enables custom user authentication methods. For instance, in LinkedIn we have LDAP based user authentication.
  • alerter plugins that enable different alerting methods to users, in addition to email based alerting.

On executor server side

  • pluggable job type executors on AzkabanExecutorServer, such as job types for hadoop ecosystem components.

We recommend installing these plugins for the best usage of Azkaban. A set of common plugins are available to download from the download page. Alternatively, by cloning the GitHub repo, you can run ant in different plugin directories to create tar ball packages.

Below are instructions of how to install these plugins to work with Azkaban.

User Manager Plugins

By default, Azkaban ships with the XMLUserManager class which authenticates users based on a xml file, which is located at conf/azkaban-users.xml.

This is not secure and doesn't serve many users. In real production deployment, you should rely on your own user manager class that suits your need, such as a LDAP based one. The XMLUserManager can still be used for special user accounts and managing user roles. You can find examples of these two cases in the default azkaban-users.xml file.

To install your own user manager class, specify in Azkaban2-web-server-install-dir/conf/


and put the containing jar in plugins directory.

Viewer Plugins

HDFS Viewer Plugins

HDFS Viewer Plugin should be installed in AzkabanWebServer plugins directory, which is specified in AzkabanWebServer's config file, for example, in Azkaban2-web-server-install-dir/conf/


This tells Azkaban to load hdfs viewer plugin from Azkaban2-web-server-install-dir/plugins/viewer/hdfs.

Extract the azkaban-hdfs-viewer archive to the AzkabanWebServer ./plugins/viewer directory. Rename the directory to hdfs, as specified above.

Depending on if the hadoop installation is turned on:

  1. If the Hadoop installation does not have security turned on, the default config is good enough. One can simply restart AzkabanWebServer and start using the HDFS viewer.
  2. If the Hadoop installation does have security turned on, the following configs should be set differently than their default values, in plugin's config file:
Parameter Description
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as another user to view the hdfs filesystem, rather than Azkaban itself, defaults to true The security manager to be used, which handles talking to secure hadoop cluster, defaults to (for hadoop 1.x versions)
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and hadoop. Similar to how oozie should be configured, for secure hadoop installations
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user

For more Hadoop security related information, see HadoopSecurityManager

Job Type Plugins

Azkaban has a limited set of built-in job types to run local unix commands and simple java programs. In most cases, you will want to install additional job type plugins, for example, hadoopJava, Pig, Hive, VoldemortBuildAndPush, etc. Some of the common ones are included in azkaban-jobtype archive. Here is how to install:

Job type plugins should be installed with AzkabanExecutorServer's plugins directory, and specified in AzkabanExecutorServer's config file. For example, in Azkaban2-exec-server-install-dir/conf/


This tells Azkaban to load all job types from Azkaban2-exec-server-install-dir/plugins/jobtypes. Extract the archive into AzkabanExecutorServer ./plugins/ directory, rename it to jobtypes as specified above.

The following setting is often needed when you run Hadoop Jobs:

Parameter Description
hadoop.home Your $HADOOP_HOME setting. The cluster specific hadoop resources, such as hadoop-core jar, and hadoop conf (e.g. ${hadoop.home}/hadoop-core-1.0.4.jar,${hadoop.home}/conf)
Depending on if the hadoop installation is turned on:
  • If the hadoop installation does not have security turned on, you can likely rely on the default settings.
  • If the Hadoop installation does have kerberos authentication turned on, you need to fill out the following hadoop settings:
Parameter Description The security manager to be used, which handles talking to secure hadoop cluster, defaults to (for hadoop 1.x versions)
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and hadoop. Similar to how oozie should be configured, for secure hadoop installations
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user

For more Hadoop security related information, see HadoopSecurityManager

Finally, start the executor, watch for error messages and check executor server log. For job type plugins, the executor should do minimum testing and let you know if it is properly installed.

Property Overrides

Azkaban job is specified with a set of key-value pairs we call properties. There are multiple sources for deciding which properties will finally be a part of job execution. Following table lists out all the sources of properties and their priorities. Please note that if a property occur in multiple sources, then its value from high property source will be used

Following properties are visible to the users. These are the same properties which are merged to form jobProps in

PropertySource Description Priority in conf directory These are admin configured properties during Azkaban setup. Global to all jobtypes. Lowest (0) in jobtype directory These are admin configured properties during Azkaban setup. Global to all jobtypes. 1 in jobtype/{jobtype-name} directory These are admin configured properties during Azkaban setup. Restricted to a specific jobtype. 2 in project zip These are user specified property which apply to all jobs in sibling or descendent directories 3
Flow properties specified while triggering flow execution These are user specified property. These can be specified from UI or Ajax call but cannot be saved in project zip. 4
{job-name}.job job specification These are user specified property in actual job file Highest (5)

Following properties are not visible to the users. Depending on jobtype implementation these properties are used for constraining user jobs and properties. These are the same properties which are merged to form sysProps in

PropertySource Description Priority in jobtype directory These are admin configured properties during Azkaban setup. Global to all jobtypes. Lowest (0) in jobtype/{jobtype-name} directory These are admin configured properties during Azkaban setup. Restricted to a specific jobtype. Highest (1) is another type of properties which are only used for controlling Azkaban webserver and execserver configuration. Please note that jobProps, sysProps and are 3 different types of properties and are not merged in general (depends on jobtype implementation).

Upgrading DB from 2.1

If installing Azkaban from scratch, you can ignore this document. This is only for those who are upgrading from 2.1 to 2.5.

The update_2.1_to_3.0.sql needs to be run to alter all the tables. This includes several table alterations and a new table.

Here are the changes:

  • Alter project_properties table'
    • Modify 'name' column to be 255 characters
  • Create new table triggers

Importing Existing Schedules from 2.1

In 3.0, the scheduling system is merged into the new triggering system. The information will be persisted in triggers table in DB. We have a simple tool to import your existing schedules into this new table.

After you download and install web server, please run this command once from web server install directory:

$ bash bin/

Upgrading DB from 2.7.0

If installing Azkaban from scratch, you can ignore this document. This is only for those who are upgrading from 2.7 to 3.0.

The create.executors.sql, update.active_executing_flows.3.0.sql, update.execution_flows.3.0.sql, and create.executor_events.sql needs to be run to alter all the tables. This includes several table alterations and two new table.

Here are the changes:

  • Alter active_executing_flows table'
    • Deleting 'port' column
    • Deleting 'host' column
  • Alter execution_flows table'
    • Adding an 'executor_id' column
  • Create new executors table
  • Create new executor events table

Azkaban can be configured in many ways. The following describes the knobs and switches that can be set. For the most part, the there is no need to deviate from the default values.

Azkaban Web Server Configurations

These are properties to configure the web server. They can be set in

General Properties

Parameter Description Default The name of the azkaban instance that will show up in the UI. Useful if you run more than one Azkaban instance. Local
azkaban.label A label to describe the Azkaban instance. My Local Azkaban
azkaban.color Hex value that allows you to set a style color for the Azkaban UI. #FF3601
web.resource.dir Sets the directory for the ui’s css and javascript files. web/
default.timezone The timezone that will be displayed by Azkaban. America/Los_Angeles
viewer.plugin.dir Directory where viewer plugins are installed. plugins/viewer
job.max.Xms The maximum initial amount of memory each job can request. This validation is performed at project upload time 1GB
job.max.Xmx The maximum amount of memory each job can request. This validation is performed at project upload time 2GB

Multiple Executor Mode Parameters

Parameter Description Default
azkaban.use.multiple.executors Should azkaban run in multi-executor mode. Required for multiple executor mode. false
azkaban.executorselector.filters A common separated list of hard filters to be used while dispatching. To be choosen from StaticRemaining, FlowSize, MinimumFreeMemory and CpuStatus. Order of filter do not matter.
azkaban.executorselector.comparator.{ComparatorName} Integer weight to be used to rank available executors for a given flow. Currently, {ComparatorName} can be NumberOfAssignedFlowComparator, Memory, LastDispatched and CpuUsage as ComparatorName. For example:- azkaban.executorselector.comparator.Memory=2
azkaban.queueprocessing.enabled Hhould queue processor be enabled from webserver initialization true
azkaban.webserver.queue.size Maximum flows that can be queued at webserver 100000
azkaban.activeexecutor.refresh.milisecinterval Maximum time in milliseconds that can be processed without executor statistics refresh 50000
azkaban.activeexecutor.refresh.flowinterval Maximum number of queued flows that can be processed without executor statistics refresh 5
azkaban.executorinfo.refresh.maxThreads Maximum number of threads to refresh executor statistics 5

Jetty Parameters

Parameter Description Default
jetty.maxThreads Max request threads 25
jetty.ssl.port The ssl port 8443
jetty.keystore The keystore file
jetty.password The jetty password
jetty.keypassword The keypassword
jetty.truststore The trust store
jetty.trustpassword The trust password

Project Manager Settings

Parameter Description Default
project.temp.dir The temporary directory used when uploading projects temp
project.version.retention The number of unused project versions retained before cleaning 3
creator.default.proxy Auto add the creator of the projects as a proxy user to the project. true
lockdown.create.projects Prevents anyone except those with Admin roles to create new projects. false
lockdown.upload.projects Prevents anyone but admin users and users with permissions to upload projects. false

MySQL Connection Parameter

Parameter Description Default
database.type The database type. Currently, the only database supported is mysql. mysql
mysql.port The port to the mysql db 3306 The mysql host localhost
mysql.database The mysql database
mysql.user The mysql user
mysql.password The mysql password
mysql.numconnections The number of connections that Azkaban web client can open to the database 100

Executor Manager Properties

Parameter Description Default
executor.port The port for the azkaban executor server 12321 The host for azkaban executor server localhost Time in milliseconds that execution logs are retained 7257600000L (12 weeks)

Notification Email Properties

Parameter Description Default
mail.sender The email address that azkaban uses to send emails. The email server host machine.
mail.user The email server user name.
mail.password The email password user name.

User Manager Properties

Parameter Description Default
user.manager.class The user manager that is used to authenticate a user. The default is an XML user manager, but it can be overwritten to support other authentication methods, such as JDNI. azkaban.user.XmlUserManager
user.manager.xml.file Xml file for the XmlUserManager conf/azkaban-users.xml

User Session Properties

Parameter Description Default The session time to live in ms seconds 86400000
max.num.sessions The maximum number of sessions before people are evicted. 10000

Azkaban Executor Server Configuration

Executor Server Properties

Parameter Description Default
executor.port The port for azkaban executor server 12321 A path to the properties that will be the parent for all jobs. none
azkaban.execution.dir The folder for executing working directories executions
azkaban.project.dir The folder for storing temporary copies of project files used for executions projects
executor.flow.threads The number of simulateous flows that can be run. These threads are mostly idle. 30
job.log.chunk.size For rolling job logs. The chuck size for each roll over 5MB
job.log.backup.index The number of log chunks. The max size of each logs is then the index * chunksize 4
flow.num.job.threads The number of concurrent running jobs in each flow. These threads are mostly idle. 10
job.max.Xms The maximum initial amount of memory each job can request. If a job requests more than this, then Azkaban server will not launch this job 1GB
job.max.Xmx The maximum amount of memory each job can request. If a job requests more than this, then Azkaban server will not launch this job 2GB
azkaban.server.flow.max.running.minutes The maximum time in minutes a flow will be living inside azkaban after being executed. If a flow runs longer than this, it will be killed. If smaller or equal to 0, there's no restriction on running time. -1

MySQL Connection Parameter

Parameter Description Default
database.type The database type. Currently, the only database supported is mysql. mysql
mysql.port The port to the mysql db 3306 The mysql host localhost
mysql.database The mysql database
mysql.user The mysql user
mysql.password The mysql password
mysql.numconnections The number of connections that Azkaban web client can open to the database 100

Plugin Configurations


With a new security enhancement in Azkaban 3.0, Azkaban jobs can now run as the submit user or the of the flow by default. This ensures that Azkaban takes advantage of the Linux permission security mechanism, and operationally this simplifies resource monitoring and visibility. Set up this behavior by doing the following:-

  1. is set to true by default. In case needed, it can also be configured to false in azkaban-plugin’s
  2. Configure azkaban.native.lib= to the place where you are going to put the compiled execute-as-user.c file (see below)
  3. Generate an executable on the Azkaban box for azkaban-common/src/main/c/execute-as-user.c. it should be named execute-as-user Below is a sample approach
    • scp ./azkaban-common/src/main/c/execute-as-user.c onto the Azkaban box
    • run: gcc execute-as-user.c -o execute-as-user
    • run: chown root execute-as-user (you might need root privilege)
    • run: chmod 6050 execute-as-user (you might need root privilege)

When you start Azkaban, you may notice the login page. Azkaban makes you authenticate before you can use it. This is prevent seeing or executing workflows you shoudn't see or touch.

We also used authenticated users for auditing purposes. Whenever project files change, is modified, scheduled, etc. we often want to know which user performed that action.


The XmlUserManager is the default UserManager that is built into Azkaban. To explicitly set the parameters that configure the XmlUserManager, the following parameters can be set in the file.

Parameter Default
user.manager.class azkaban.user.XmlUserManager
user.manager.xml.file azkaban-users.xml

The other file that needs to be modified is the azkaban-users.xml file. The XmlUserManager will parse the user xml file once during startup to set up the users.

Everything must be enclosed in a <azkaban-users> tag.



To add users, add the <user> tag.

  <user username="myusername" password="mypassword" roles="a" groups="mygroup" / >
  <user username="myusername2" password="mypassword2" roles="a, b" groups="ga, gb" / >
Attributes Values Required?
username The login username. yes
password The login password. yes
roles Comma delimited list of roles that this user has. no
groups Comma delimited list of groups that the users belongs to. no
proxy Comma delimited list of proxy users that this users can give to a project no


To define each group, you can add the <group> tag.

  <user username="a" ... groups="groupa" / >
  <group name="groupa" roles="myrole" / >

In the previous example, user 'a' is in the group 'groupa'. User 'a' would also have the 'myrole' role. A regular user cannot add group permissions to a project unless they are members of that group.

The following are some group attributes that you can assign.

Attributes Values Required?
name The group name yes
roles Comma delimited list of roles that this user has. no


Roles are different in that it assigns global permissions to users in Azkaban. You can set up roles with the <roles> tag.

  <user username="a" ... groups="groupa" roles="readall" / >
  <user username="b" ... / >
  <group name="groupa" roles="admin" / >
  <role name="admin" permissions="ADMIN" / >
  <role name="readall" permissions="READ" / >

In the above example, user 'a' has the role 'readall', which is defined as having the READ permission. This means that user 'a' has global READ access on all the projects and executions.

User 'a' also is in 'groupa', which has the role ADMIN. It's certainly redundant, but user 'a' is also granted the ADMIN role on all projects.

The following are some group attributes that you can assign.

Attributes Values Required?
name The group name yes
permissions Comma delimited list global permissions for the role yes

The possible role permissions are the following:

Permissions Values
ADMIN Grants all access to everything in Azkaban.
READ Gives users read only access to every project and their logs
WRITE Allows users to upload files, change job properties or remove any project
EXECUTE Allows users to trigger the execution of any flow
SCHEDULE Users can add or remove schedules for any flows
CREATEPROJECTS Allows users to create new projects if project creation is locked down

Custom User Manager

Although the XmlUserManager is easy enough to get started with, you may want to integrate with an already established directory system, such as LDAP.

It should be fairly straight forward to implement a custom UserManager. The UserManager is a java interface. There are only a few methods needed to implement.

public interface UserManager {
	public User getUser(String username, String password) throws UserManagerException;
	public boolean validateUser(String username);
	public boolean validateGroup(String group);
	public Role getRole(String roleName);
	public boolean validateProxyUser(String proxyUser, User realUser);

The constructor should take an azkaban.utils.Props object. The contents of will be available for the UserManager for configuration.

Package your new custom UserManager into a jar and drop it into the ./extlib directory or alternatively into the plugins directory (i.e. ./plugins/ldap/linkedin-ldap.jar).

Change the configuration to point to the custom UserManager. Add additional parameters into if needed by your custom user manager.

Parameter Default
user.manager.class azkaban.user.CustomUserManager




# foo.job
command=echo "Hello World"

在这个例子中,作业的typecommand。该command参数是command类型作业可以理解的参数。在这种情况下,它将运行命令来打印“Hello World”。将标准输出和作业的标准错误写入日志,日志可在Azkaban Web UI中查看。

有关作业的更多信息,请参阅作业配置 页面。



# foo.job
command=echo foo
# bar.job
command=echo bar





# baz.job



要上传流程,只需要将.job和所有需要执行的二进制文件存档到一个.zip文件中。通过Azkaban UI,您就可以部署您的作业流程。该流程将针对缺失或循环依赖性进行验证。查看项目上传

Job Configurations

Common Parameters

Besides the type and the dependencies parameters, there are several parameters that Azkaban reserves for all jobs. All of the parameters below are optional.

Parameter Description
retries The number of retries that will be automatically attempted for failed jobs
retry.backoff The millisec time between each retry attempt
working.dir Override the working directory for the execution. This is by default the directory that contains the job file that is being run. Set the environment variable with named property
failure.emails Comma delimited list of emails to notify during a failure. *
success.emails Comma delimited list of emails to notify during a success. *
notify.emails Comma delimited list of emails to notify during either a success or failure. *

Email properties

Note that for email properties, this property is retrieved from the last job in the flow and applied flow level. All other email properties of jobs in the flow are ignored.

Runtime Properties

These properties are automatically added to Azkaban properties during runtime for a job to use.

Parameter Description
azkaban.job.attempt The attempt number for the job. Starts with attempt 0 and increments with every retry. The job name.
azkaban.flow.flowid The flow name that the job is running in.
azkaban.flow.execid The execution id that is assigned to the running flow.
azkaban.flow.projectid The numerical project id.
azkaban.flow.projectversion The project upload version.
azkaban.flow.uuid A unique identifier assigned to a flow’s execution.
azkaban.flow.start.timestamp The millisecs since epoch start time.
azkaban.flow.start.year The start year.
azkaban.flow.start.month The start month of the year (1-12) The start day of the month.
azkaban.flow.start.hour The start hour in the day.
azkaban.flow.start.minute The start minute.
azkaban.flow.start.second The start second in the minute.
azkaban.flow.start.milliseconds The start millisec in the sec
azkaban.flow.start.timezone The start timezone that is set.

Inherited Parameters

Any included .properties files will be treated as properties that are shared amongst the individual jobs of the flow. The properties are resolved in a hierarchical manner by directory.

For instance, suppose you have the following directory structure in your zip file.

That directory structure will be preserved when running in Azkaban. The baz job will inherit only from The jobs foo and bar will inherit from and, which in turn will inherit from

The hierarchical ordering of properties in the same directory is arbitrary.

Parameter Substitution

Azkaban allows for replacing of parameters. Whenever a ${parameter} is found in a properties or job file, Azkaban will attempt to replace that parameter. The resolution of the parameters is done late.

# myjob.job


In the previous example, before myjob is run, foo will equal bar and param2 will equal mytest.

A parameter cannot contain spaces. Following invalid.job is an example of incorrect parameter name.

# invalid.job
command=${wh oa mi}
command.1=${whoami }

Parameter Passing

There is often a desire to pass these parameters to the executing job code. The method of passing these parameters is dependent on the jobtype that is run, but usually Azkaban writes these parameters to a temporary file that is readable by the job.

The path of the file is set in JOB_PROP_FILE environment variable. The format is the same key value pair property files. Certain built-in job types do this automatically for you. The java type, for instance, will invoke your Runnable and given a proper constructor, Azkaban can pass parameters to your code automatically.

Parameter Output

Properties can be exported to be passed to its dependencies. A second environment variable JOB_OUTPUT_PROP_FILE is set by Azkaban. If a job writes a file to that path, Azkaban will read this file and then pass the output to the next jobs in the flow.

The output file should be in json format. Certain built-in job types can handle this automatically, such as the java type.

Built-in Job types

Azkaban allows custom job types to be added as plugins. However it also supplies several built-in job types. On top of the job parameters that can be set, each job type has additional properties that can be used.


Command type of job can be set with type=command. It is a barebones command line executor. Many of the other job types wrap the _command_ job type but constructs their own command lines.

Parameter Description Required?
command The command line string to execute. i.e. ls -lh yes
command. n Where n is a sequence of integers (i.e 1,2,3…). Defines additional commands that run in sequential order after the initial command. no

Java Process

Java process jobs are a convenient wrapper for kicking off Java-based programs. It is equivalent to running a class with a main method from the command line. The following properties are available in javaprocess jobs:

Parameter Description Required?
java.class The class that contains the main function. i.e azkaban.example.text.HelloWorld yes
classpath Comma delimited list of jars and directories to be added to the classpath. Default is all jars in the current working directory. no
Xms The initial memory pool start size. The default is 64M no
Xmx The initial maximum memory pool size. The default is 256M no
main.args A list of comma delimited arguments to pass to the java main function no
jvm.args JVM args. This entire string is passed intact as a VM argument. -Dmyprop=test -Dhello=world no


A job that takes no parameters and is essentially a null operation. Used for organizing your graph.

本节介绍如何使用Azkaban Web UI创建,查看和执行您的流程。



如果您刚刚开始,则项目页面可能为空。但是,您可以通过单击All Projects来查看所有现有项目。

点击Create Projects将弹出一个对话框。输入唯一的项目名称和项目描述。说明可以在将来更改,但项目名称不能。如果您没有看到此按钮,则除了具有适当权限的用户之外,创建新项目的功能可能已锁定。
















  • 添加用户权限为这些用户提供了项目的指定权限。通过取消选中所有权限来删除用户权限。
  • 组权限允许特定组中的每个人都拥有指定的权限。通过取消选中所有组权限来删除组权限。
  • 如果启用代理用户,代理用户允许项目工作流程以这些用户身份运行。这对于锁定哪些无头帐号作业可以代理来说很有用。一旦添加,点击“删除”按钮即可删除它们。



权限 描述
ADMIN 允许用户对此项目执行任何操作,并添加权限并删除项目
READ 用户可以查看作业,流程和执行日志。
WRITE 项目文件可以上传,作业文件可以修改。
EXECUTE 用户被允许执行,暂停,取消作业。
SCHEDULE 用户可以添加,修改和删除日程表中的流程。





Notification Options

The notification options allow users to change the flow's success or failure notification behavior.

Notify on Failure

  • First Failure - Send failure emails after the first failure is detected.
  • Flow Finished - If the flow has a job that has failed, it will send failure emails after all jobs in the flow have finished.

Email overrides

Azkaban will use the default notification emails set in the final job in the flow. If overridden, a user can change the email addresses where failure or success emails are sent. The list can be delimited by commas, whitespace or a semi-colon.

Failure Options

When a job in a flow fails, you are able to control how the rest of the flow will succeed.

  • Finish Current Running will finish the jobs that are currently running, but it will not start new jobs. The flow will be put in the FAILED FINISHING state and be set to FAILED once everything completes.
  • Cancel All will immediately kill all running jobs and set the state of the executing flow to FAILED.
  • Finish All Possible will keep executing jobs in the flow as long as its dependencies are met. The flow will be put in the FAILED FINISHING state and be set to FAILED once everything completes.

Concurrent Options

If the flow execution is invoked while the flow is concurrently executing, several options can be set.

  • Skip Execution option will not run the flow if its already running.
  • Run Concurrently option will run the flow regardless of if its running. Executions are given different working directories.
  • Pipeline runs the the flow in a manner that the new execution will not overrun the concurrent execution.
    • Level 1: blocks executing job A until the the previous flow's job A has completed.
    • Level 2: blocks executing job A until the the children of the previous flow's job A has completed. This is useful if you need to run your flows a few steps behind an already executin flow.

Flow Parameters

Allows users to override flow parameters. The flow parameters override the global properties for a job, but not the properties of the job itself.


Flow Execution Page

After executing a flow you will be presented the Executing Flow page. Alternatively, you can access these flows from the Flow View page under the Executions tab, the History page, or the Executing page.

This page is similar to the Flow View page, except it shows status of running jobs.

Selecting the Job List will give a timeline of job executions. You can access the jobs and job logs directly from this list.

This page will auto update as long as the execution is not finished.

Some options that you are able to do on execution flows include the following:

  • Cancel - kills all running jobs and fails the flow immediately. The flow state will be KILLED.
  • Pause - prevents new jobs from running. Currently running jobs proceed as usual.
  • Resume - resume a paused execution.
  • Retry Failed - only available when the flow is in a FAILED FINISHING state. Retry will restart all FAILED jobs while the flow is still active. Attempts will appear in the Jobs List page.
  • Prepare Execution - only available on a finished flow, regardless of success or failures. This will auto disable successfully completed jobs.

Executing Page

Clicking on the Executing Tab in the header will show the Execution page. This page will show currently running executions as well as recently finished flows.

History Page

Currently executing flows as well as completed executions will appear in the History page. Searching options are provided to find the execution you're looking for. Alternatively, you can view previous executions for a flow on the Flow View execution tab.

Schedule Flow

From the same panel that is used to execute flows, flows can be scheduled by clicking on the *Schedule* button.

Any flow options set will be preserved for the scheduled flow. For instance, if jobs are disabled, then the scheduled flow's jobs will also be disabled.

With new flexible scheduling feature in Azkaban 3.3, User are able to define a cron job following Quartz syntax. One important change different from Quartz or cron is that Azkaban functions at the minute granularity at most. Therefore, second field in UI is labeled as a static "0". The Flexible Schedule Wiki explains the details how to use.

After scheduling, it should appear on the schedule page, where you can remove the scheduled job or set the SLA options.


To add SLA notification or pre-emption, click on the SLA button. From here you can set the SLA alert emails. Rules can be added and applied to individual jobs or the flow itself. If duration threshold is exceeded, then an alert email can be set or the flow or job can be auto killed. If a job is killed due to missing the SLA, it will be retried based on the retry configuration of that job.

Job Page

Jobs make up individual tasks of a flow. To get to the jobs page, you can right click on a job in the Flow View, the Executing Flow view or the Project Page.

From this page you can see the dependencies and dependents for a job as well as the global properties that the job will use.

Job Edit

Clicking on Job Edit will allow you to edit all the job properties except for certain reserved parameters, such as type, and dependencies. The changes to the parameters will affect an executing flow only if the job hasn't started to run yet. These overwrites of job properties will be overwritten by the next project upload.

Job History

Any retries of a job will show as executionid.attempt number.

Job Details

From an execution page, after clicking "Job List" and then "Details" for one of the jobs, you will arrive at the job details page. This page contains tabs for the "Job Logs" and a "Summary".

Job Logs

The job logs are stored in the database. They contain all the stdout and stderr output of the job.

Job Summary

The Job Summary tab contains a summary of the information in the job logs. This includes:
  • Job Type - the jobtype of the job
  • Command Summary - the command that launched the job process, with fields such as the classpath and memory settings shown separately as well
  • Pig/Hive Job Summary - custom stats specific to Pig and Hive jobs
  • Map Reduce Jobs - a list of job ids of Map-Reduce jobs that were launched, linked to their job tracker pages


Often there's a desire to interact with Azkaban without having to use the web UI. Azkaban has some exposed ajax calls accessible through curl or some other HTTP request clients. All API calls require a proper authentication first.

Azkaban assumes the following request header in servlet's isAjaxCall(HttpServletRequest request) method:

  Content-Type:     application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
However, currently for most of APIs in this version, it is not checking the request header. Many APIs still treat a request as an ajax call if request simply contains the parameter ajax. Or even, several APIs is implicitly assuming it is an ajax call even without this keyword. For ease of use though, it is recommended to always keep the correct request header.


  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /?action=login
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

This API helps authenticate a user and provides a in response.

Once a has been returned, until the session expires, this id can be used to do any API requests with a proper permission granted. A session expires if you log out, change machines, browsers or locations, if Azkaban is restarted, or if the session expires. The default session timeout is 24 hours (one day). You can re-login whether the session has expired or not. For the same user, a new session will always override old one.

Importantly, should be provided for almost all API calls (other than authentication). can be simply appended as one of the request parameters, or set via the cookie: The two HTTP requests below are equivalent:

# a) Provide parameter directly
curl -k --get --data "" https://localhost:8443/manager

# b) Provide cookie
curl -k --get -b "" --data "ajax=fetchflowgraph&project=azkaban-test-project&flow=test" https://localhost:8443/manager

Request Parameters
Parameter Description
action=login The fixed parameter indicating the login action.
username The Azkaban username.
password The corresponding password.
Response Object
Parameter Description
error Return an error message if the login attempt fails. Return a session id if the login attempt succeeds.
A sample call via curl:
curl -k -X POST --data "action=login&username=azkaban&password=azkaban" https://localhost:8443
A sample response:
  "status" : "success",
  "" : "c001aba5-a90f-4daf-8f11-62330d034c0a"

Create a Project

The ajax API for creating a new project.
Notice: before uploading any project zip files, the project should be created first via this API.

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /manager?action=create
  • Parameter Location: Request Query
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

action=create The fixed parameter indicating the create project action.
name The project name to be uploaded.
description The description for the project. This field cannot be empty.
Response Object 1. (if the request succeeds):
Parameter Description
status The status of the creation attempt.
path The url path to redirect
action The action that is suggested for the frontend to execute. (This is designed for the usage of the Azkaban frontend javascripts, external users can ignore this field.)
Response Object 2. (if the request fails):
Parameter Description
message The error message.
error The error name.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k -X POST --data "" https://localhost:8443/manager?action=create
A sample response:

Delete a Project

The ajax API for deleting an existing project.
Notice: Currently no response message will be returned after finishing the delete operation.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?delete=true
  • Parameter Location: Request Query
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

delete=true The fixed parameter to indicate the deleting project action.
project The project name to be deleted.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "" https://localhost:8443/manager

Upload a Project Zip

The ajax call to upload a project zip file. The zip file structure should follows the requirements described in Upload Projects .
Notice: This API should be called after a project is successfully created.

  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: multipart/mixed
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=upload
  • Parameter Location: Request Body
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

ajax=upload The fixed parameter to the upload action.
project The project name to be uploaded.
file The project zip file. The type should be set as application/zip or application/x-zip-compressed.
Response Object
Parameter Description
error The error message if the upload attempt fails.
projectId The numerical id of the project
version The version number of the upload

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: multipart/mixed" -X POST --form '' --form 'ajax=upload' --form ';type=application/zip' --form 'project=MyProject;type/plain' https://localhost:8443/manager
A response sample:
  "error" : "Installation Failed.\nError unzipping file.",
  "projectId" : "192",
  "version" : "1"

Fetch Flows of a Project

Given a project name, this API call fetches all flow ids of that project.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=fetchprojectflows
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

ajax=fetchprojectflows The fixed parameter indicating the fetchProjectFlows action.
project The project name to be fetched.
Response Object
Parameter Description
project The project name.
projectId The numerical id of the project.
flows A list of flow ids.

Example values: [{"flowId": "aaa"}, {"flowId": "bbb"}]

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "" https://localhost:8443/manager
A response sample:
  "project" : "test-azkaban",
  "projectId" : 192,
  "flows" : [ {
    "flowId" : "test"
  }, {
    "flowId" : "test2"
  } ]

Fetch Jobs of a Flow

For a given project and a flow id, this API call fetches all the jobs that belong to this flow. It also returns the corresponding graph structure of those jobs.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=fetchflowgraph
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

ajax=fetchflowgraph The fixed parameter indicating the fetchProjectFlows action.
project The project name to be fetched.
flow The project id to be fetched.
Response Object
Parameter Description
project The project name.
projectId The numerical id of the project.
flow The flow id fetched.
nodes A list of job nodes belonging to this flow.


  "id": ""
  "type": "job.type"
  "in": ["job.ids that this job is directly depending upon.
  Indirect ancestors is not included in this list"]

Example values: [{"id": "first_job", "type": "java"}, {"id": "second_job", "type": "command", "in":["first_job"]}]

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "" https://localhost:8445/manager
A response sample:
  "project" : "azkaban-test-project",
  "nodes" : [ {
    "id" : "test-final",
    "type" : "command",
    "in" : [ "test-job-3" ]
  }, {
    "id" : "test-job-start",
    "type" : "java"
  }, {
    "id" : "test-job-3",
    "type" : "java",
    "in" : [ "test-job-2" ]
  }, {
    "id" : "test-job-2",
    "type" : "java",
    "in" : [ "test-job-start" ]
  } ],
  "flow" : "test",
  "projectId" : 192

Fetch Executions of a Flow

Given a project name, and a certain flow, this API call provides a list of corresponding executions. Those executions are sorted in descendent submit time order. Also parameters are expected to specify the start index and the length of the list. This is originally used to handle pagination.
  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=fetchFlowExecutions
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

ajax=fetchFlowExecutions The fixed parameter indicating the fetchFlowExecutions action.
project The project name to be fetched.
flow The flow id to be fetched.
start The start index(inclusive) of the returned list.
length The max length of the returned list. For example, if the start index is 2, and the length is 10, then the returned list will include executions of indices: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].
Response Object
Parameter Description
executions A list of execution objects, with the resquested start index and length.
total The total number of all relevant execution
project The project name fetched.
projectId The numerical project id fetched.
flow The flow id fetched.
from The start index of the fetched executions
length The length of the fetched executions.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "" https://localhost:8443/manager
A response sample:
  "executions" : [ {
    "startTime" : 1407779928865,
    "submitUser" : "1",
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "submitTime" : 1407779928829,
    "execId" : 306,
    "projectId" : 192,
    "endTime" : 1407779950602,
    "flowId" : "test"
  }, {
    "startTime" : 1407779877807,
    "submitUser" : "1",
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "submitTime" : 1407779877779,
    "execId" : 305,
    "projectId" : 192,
    "endTime" : 1407779899599,
    "flowId" : "test"
  }, {
    "startTime" : 1407779473354,
    "submitUser" : "1",
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "submitTime" : 1407779473318,
    "execId" : 304,
    "projectId" : 192,
    "endTime" : 1407779495093,
    "flowId" : "test"
  } ],
  "total" : 16,
  "project" : "azkaban-test-project",
  "length" : 3,
  "from" : 0,
  "flow" : "test",
  "projectId" : 192

Fetch Running Executions of a Flow

Given a project name and a flow id, this API call fetches only executions that are currently running.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=getRunning
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

ajax=getRunning The fixed parameter indicating the getRunning action.
project The project name to be fetched.
flow The flow id to be fetched.
Response Object
Parameter Description
execIds A list of execution ids fetched.

Example values: [301, 302, 111, 999]

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "" https://localhost:8443/executor
A response sample:
  "execIds": [301, 302]

Execute a Flow

This API executes a flow via an ajax call, supporting a rich selection of different options. Running an individual job can also be achieved via this API by disabling all other jobs in the same flow.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=executeFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

Example Values: 30d538e2-4794-4e7e-8a35-25a9e2fd5300


The fixed parameter indicating the current ajax action is executeFlow.


The project name of the executing flow.

Example Values: run-all-jobs


The flow id to be executed.

Example Values: test-flow

disabled (optional)

A list of job names that should be disabled for this execution. Should be formatted as a JSON Array String.

Example Values: ["job_name_1", "job_name_2", "job_name_N"]

successEmails (optional)

A list of emails to be notified if the execution succeeds. All emails are delimitted with [,|;|\\s+].

Example Values:,

failureEmails (optional)

A list of emails to be notified if the execution fails. All emails are delimitted with [,|;|\\s+].

Example Values:,

successEmailsOverride (optional)

Whether uses system default email settings to override successEmails.

Possible Values: true, false

failureEmailsOverride (optional)

Whether uses system default email settings to override failureEmails.

Possible Values: true, false

notifyFailureFirst (optional)

Whether sends out email notifications as long as the first failure occurs.

Possible Values: true, false

notifyFailureLast (optional)

Whether sends out email notifications as long as the last failure occurs.

Possible Values: true, false

failureAction (Optional)

If a failure occurs, how should the execution behaves.

Possible Values: finishCurrent, cancelImmediately, finishPossible

concurrentOption (Optional)

Concurrent choices. Use ignore if nothing specifical is required.

Possible Values: ignore, pipeline, skip

flowOverride[flowProperty] (Optional)

Override specified flow property with specified value.

Example Values : flowOverride[]

Response Object
Parameter Description
error Error message if the call has failed
flow The executed flow id
execid The execution id
Here is a curl command example:
curl -k --get --data '' --data 'ajax=executeFlow' --data 'project=azkaban-test-project' --data 'flow=test' https://localhost:8443/executor
Sample response:
  message: "Execution submitted successfully with exec id 295",
  project: "foo-demo",
  flow: "test",
  execid: 295

Cancel a Flow Execution

Given an execution id, this API call cancels a running flow. If the flow is not running, it will return an error message.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=cancelFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.


The fixed parameter indicating the current ajax action is cancelFlow.


The execution id.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "" https://localhost:8443/executor
A response sample if succeeds:
{ }
A response sample if fails:
  "error" : "Execution 302 of flow test isn't running."

Schedule a period-based Flow (Deprecated)

This API call schedules a period-based flow.

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=scheduleFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description The user session id.
ajax=scheduleFlow The fixed parameter indicating the action is to schedule a flow.
projectName The name of the project.
projectId The id of the project. You can find this with Fetch Flows of a Project.
flowName The name of the flow.
scheduleTime(with timezone) The time to schedule the flow. Example: 12,00,pm,PDT (Unless UTC is specified, Azkaban will take current server's default timezone instead)
scheduleDate The date to schedule the flow. Example: 07/22/2014
is_recurring=on (optional) Flags the schedule as a recurring schedule.
period (optional) Specifies the recursion period. Depends on the "is_recurring" flag being set. Example: 5w

Possible Values:

M Months
w Weeks
d Days
h Hours
m Minutes
s Seconds

Here's a curl command sample:

  # a) One time schedule
  curl -k https://HOST:PORT/schedule -d "ajax=scheduleFlow&projectName=PROJECT_NAME&flow=FLOW_NAME&projectId=PROJECT_ID&scheduleTime=12,00,pm,PDT&scheduleDate=07/22/2014" -b

  # b) Recurring schedule
  curl -k https://HOST:PORT/schedule -d "ajax=scheduleFlow&is_recurring=on&period=5w&projectName=PROJECT_NAME&flow=FLOW_NAME&projectId=PROJECT_ID&scheduleTime=12,00,pm,PDT&scheduleDate=07/22/2014" -b

An example success response:
  "message" : "PROJECT_NAME.FLOW_NAME scheduled.",
  "status" : "success"
An example failure response:
  "message" : "Permission denied. Cannot execute FLOW_NAME",
  "status" : "error"
An example failure response for invalid schedule period:
  "message" : "PROJECT_NAME.FLOW_NAME scheduled.",
  "error" : "Invalid schedule period unit 'A",
  "status" : "success"

Flexible scheduling using Cron

This API call schedules a flow by a cron Expression. Cron is a UNIX tool that has been widely used for a long time, and we use Quartz library to parse cron Expression. All cron schedules follow the timezone defined in azkaban web server (the timezone ID is obtained by java.util.TimeZone.getDefault().getID()).

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=scheduleCronFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description The user session id.
ajax=scheduleCronFlow The fixed parameter indicating the action is to use cron to schedule a flow.
projectName The name of the project.
flow The name of the flow.
cronExpression A CRON expression is a string comprising 6 or 7 fields separated by white space that represents a set of times. In azkaban, we use Quartz Cron Format.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k -d ajax=scheduleCronFlow -d projectName=wtwt -d flow=azkaban-training --data-urlencode cronExpression="0 23/30 5,7-10 ? * 6#3" -b "" http://localhost:8081/schedule
An example success response:
  "message" : "PROJECT_NAME.FLOW_NAME scheduled.",
  "scheduleId" : SCHEDULE_ID,
  "status" : "success"
An example failure response:
  "message" : "Cron expression must exist.",
  "status" : "error"
  "message" : "Permission denied. Cannot execute FLOW_NAME",
  "status" : "error"
An example failure response for invalid cron expression:
  "message" : "This expression <*****> can not be parsed to quartz cron.",
  "status" : "error"

Fetch a Schedule

Given a project id and a flow id, this API call fetches the schedule.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=fetchSchedule
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description The user session id.
ajax=fetchSchedule The fixed parameter indicating the schedule.
projectId The id of the project.
flowId The name of the flow.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "" http://localhost:8081/schedule
An example success response:
  "schedule" : {
    "cronExpression" : "0 * 9 ? * *",
    "nextExecTime" : "2017-04-01 09:00:00",
    "period" : "null",
    "submitUser" : "azkaban",
    "executionOptions" : {
      "notifyOnFirstFailure" : false,
      "notifyOnLastFailure" : false,
      "failureEmails" : [ ],
      "successEmails" : [ ],
      "pipelineLevel" : null,
      "queueLevel" : 0,
      "concurrentOption" : "skip",
      "mailCreator" : "default",
      "memoryCheck" : true,
      "flowParameters" : {
      "failureAction" : "FINISH_CURRENTLY_RUNNING",
      "failureEmailsOverridden" : false,
      "successEmailsOverridden" : false,
      "pipelineExecutionId" : null,
      "disabledJobs" : [ ]
    "scheduleId" : "3",
    "firstSchedTime" : "2017-03-31 11:45:21"
If there is no schedule, empty response returns.

Unschedule a Flow

This API call unschedules a flow.

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /schedule?action=removeSched
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description The user session id.
action=removeSched The fixed parameter indicating the action is to unschedule a flow.
scheduleId The id of the schedule. You can find this in the Azkaban UI on the /schedule page.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k https://HOST:PORT/schedule -d "action=removeSched&scheduleId=SCHEDULE_ID" -b
An example success response:
  "message" : "flow FLOW_NAME removed from Schedules.",
  "status" : "success"
An example failure response:
  "message" : "Schedule with ID SCHEDULE_ID does not exist",
  "status" : "error"

Set a SLA

This API call sets a SLA.

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=setSla
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description The user session id.
ajax=setSla The fixed parameter indicating the action is to set a SLA.
scheduleId The id of the shchedule. You can find this with Fetch a Schedule.
slaEmails A list of SLA alert emails.


settings[...] Rules of SLA. Format is settings[...]=[id],[rule],[duration],[emailAction],[killAction].

Example: settings[0]=aaa,SUCCESS,5:00,true,false

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k -d "ajax=setSla&scheduleId=1&;[0]=aaa,SUCCESS,5:00,true,false&settings[1]=bbb,SUCCESS,10:00,false,true" -b "" "http://localhost:8081/schedule"
An example success response:
An example failure response:
  "error" : "azkaban.scheduler.ScheduleManagerException: Unable to parse duration for a SLA that needs to take actions!"

Fetch a SLA

Given a schedule id, this API call fetches the SLA.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=slaInfo
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description The user session id.
ajax=slaInfo The fixed parameter indicating the SLA.
scheduleId The id of the shchedule. You can find this with Fetch a Schedule.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "" http://localhost:8081/schedule"
An example success response:
  "settings" : [ {
    "duration" : "300m",
    "rule" : "SUCCESS",
    "id" : "aaa",
    "actions" : [ "EMAIL" ]
  }, {
    "duration" : "600m",
    "rule" : "SUCCESS",
    "id" : "bbb",
    "actions" : [ "KILL" ]
  } ],
  "slaEmails" : [ "", "" ],
  "allJobNames" : [ "aaa", "ccc", "bbb", "start", "end" ]

Pause a Flow Execution

Given an execution id, this API pauses a running flow. If an execution has already been paused, it will not return any error; if an execution is not running, it will return an error message.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=pauseFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.


The fixed parameter indicating the current ajax action is pauseFlow.


The execution id.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "" https://localhost:8443/executor
A response sample (if succeeds, or pauseFlow is called multiple times):
{ }
A response sample (if fails, only when the flow is not actually running):
  "error" : "Execution 303 of flow test isn't running."

Resume a Flow Execution

Given an execution id, this API resumes a paused running flow. If an execution has already been resumed, it will not return any errors; if an execution is not runnning, it will return an error message.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=resumeFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.


The fixed parameter indicating the current ajax action is resumeFlow.


The execution id.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "" https://localhost:8443/executor
A response sample (if succeeds, or resumeFlow is called multiple times):
{ }
A response sample (if fails, only when the flow is not actually running):
  "error" : "Execution 303 of flow test isn't running."

Fetch a Flow Execution

Given an execution id, this API call fetches all the detailed information of that execution, including a list of all the job executions.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=fetchexecflow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

ajax=fetchexecflow The fixed parameter indicating the fetchexecflow action.
execid The execution id to be fetched.
Response Object

It returns a detailed information about the execution (check the example below). One thing to notice is that the field nodes[i].in actually indicates what are the dependencies of this node.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "" https://localhost:8443/executor
A response sample:
  "attempt" : 0,
  "submitUser" : "1",
  "updateTime" : 1407779495095,
  "status" : "FAILED",
  "submitTime" : 1407779473318,
  "projectId" : 192,
  "flow" : "test",
  "endTime" : 1407779495093,
  "type" : null,
  "nestedId" : "test",
  "startTime" : 1407779473354,
  "id" : "test",
  "project" : "test-azkaban",
  "nodes" : [ {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407779495077,
    "id" : "test",
    "updateTime" : 1407779495077,
    "status" : "CANCELLED",
    "nestedId" : "test",
    "type" : "command",
    "endTime" : 1407779495077,
    "in" : [ "test-foo" ]
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407779473357,
    "id" : "test-bar",
    "updateTime" : 1407779484241,
    "status" : "SUCCEEDED",
    "nestedId" : "test-bar",
    "type" : "pig",
    "endTime" : 1407779484236
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407779484240,
    "id" : "test-foobar",
    "updateTime" : 1407779495073,
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "nestedId" : "test-foobar",
    "type" : "java",
    "endTime" : 1407779495068,
    "in" : [ "test-bar" ]
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407779495069,
    "id" : "test-foo",
    "updateTime" : 1407779495069,
    "status" : "CANCELLED",
    "nestedId" : "test-foo",
    "type" : "java",
    "endTime" : 1407779495069,
    "in" : [ "test-foobar" ]
  } ],
  "flowId" : "test",
  "execid" : 304

Fetch Execution Job Logs

Given an execution id and a job id, this API call fetches the correponding job logs. The log text can be quite large sometimes, so this API call also expects the parameters offset and length to be specified.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=fetchExecJobLogs
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

ajax=fetchExecJobLogs The fixed parameter indicating the fetchExecJobLogs action.
execid The unique id for an execution.
jobId The unique id for the job to be fetched.
offset The offset for the log data.
length The length of the log data. For example, if the offset set is 10 and the length is 1000, the returned log will starts from the 10th character and has a length of 1000 (less if the remaining log is less than 1000 long).
Response Object
Parameter Description
data The text data of the logs.
offset The offset for the log data.
length The length of the log data.

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "" https://localhost:8443/executor
A response sample:
  "data" : "05-08-2014 16:53:02 PDT test-foobar INFO - Starting job test-foobar at 140728278",
  "length" : 100,
  "offset" : 0

Fetch Flow Execution Updates

This API call fetches the updated information for an execution. It filters by lastUpdateTime which only returns job information updated afterwards.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=fetchexecflowupdate
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String
Request Parameters
Parameter Description

The user session id.

ajax=fetchexecflowupdate The fixed parameter indicating the fetch execution updates action.
execid The execution id.
lastUpdateTime The criteria to filter by last update time. Set the value to be -1 if all job information are needed.
Response Object
Parameter Description
id The flow id.
flow The flow name.
startTime The start time of this flow execution.
updateTime The last updated time of this flow execution.
endTime The end time of this flow execution (if it finishes).
status The current status of the flow.
attempt The attempt number of this flow execution.
nodes Information for each execution job. Containing the following fields:
  "attempt": String,
  "startTime": Number,
  "id": String (the job id),
  "status": String,
  "endTime": Number

Here's a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "execid=301&lastUpdateTime=-1&" https://localhost:8443/executor?ajax=fetchexecflowupdate
A response sample:
  "id" : "test",
  "startTime" : 1407778382894,
  "attempt" : 0,
  "status" : "FAILED",
  "updateTime" : 1407778404708,
  "nodes" : [ {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407778404683,
    "id" : "test",
    "updateTime" : 1407778404683,
    "status" : "CANCELLED",
    "endTime" : 1407778404683
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407778382913,
    "id" : "test-job-1",
    "updateTime" : 1407778393850,
    "status" : "SUCCEEDED",
    "endTime" : 1407778393845
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407778393849,
    "id" : "test-job-2",
    "updateTime" : 1407778404679,
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "endTime" : 1407778404675
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407778404675,
    "id" : "test-job-3",
    "updateTime" : 1407778404675,
    "status" : "CANCELLED",
    "endTime" : 1407778404675
  } ],
  "flow" : "test",
  "endTime" : 1407778404705

How Tos

Force execution to an executor

Only users with admin privileges can use this override. In flow params: set "useExecutor" = EXECUTOR_ID .

Setting flow priority in multiple executor mode

Only users with admin privileges can use this property. In flow params: set "flowPriority" = PRIORITY . Higher numbers get executed first.

Enabling and Disabling Queue in multiple executor mode

Only users with admin privileges can use this action. Use curl or simply visit following URL:-

  • Enable: WEBSERVER_URL/executor?ajax=disableQueueProcessor
  • Disable: WEBSERVER_URL/executor?ajax=enableQueueProcessor

Reloading executors in multiple executor mode

Only users with admin privileges can use this action. This action need at least one active executor to be successful. Use curl or simply visit following URL:- WEBSERVER_URL/executor?ajax=reloadExecutors

Logging job logs to a Kafka cluster

Azkaban supports sending job logs to a log ingestion (such as ELK) cluster via a Kafka appender. In order to enable this in Azkaban, you will need to set two exec server properties (shown here with sample values):


These configure where Azkaban can find your Kafka cluster, and also which topic to put the logs under. Failure to provide these parameters will result in Azkaban refusing to create a Kafka appender upon requesting one.

In order to configure a job to send its logs to Kafka, the following job property needs to be set to true:


Jobs with this setting enabled will broadcast its log messages in JSON form to the Kafka cluster. It has the following structure:

  "projectname": "Project name",
  "level": "INFO or ERROR",
  "submituser": "Someone",
  "projectversion": "Project version",
  "category": "Class name",
  "message": "Some log message",
  "logsource": "userJob",
  "flowid": "ID of flow",
  "execid": "ID of execution"

Azkaban is designed to be modular. We are able to plug in code to add viewer pages or execute jobs in a customizable manner. These pages will describe the azkaban-plugins that can be downloaded from the download page and how to extend Azkaban by creating your own plugins or extending an existing one.

Support for Hadoop Security

The most common adoption of Azkaban has been in the big data platforms such as Hadoop, etc. Azkaban's jobtype plugin system allows most flexible support to such systems.

Azkaban is able to support all Hadoop versions, with support for Hadoop security features; Azkaban is able to support various ecosystem components with all different versions, such as different versions of pig, hive, on the same instance.

A common pattern to achieve this is by using the HadoopSecurityManager class, which handles talking to a Hadoop cluster and take care of Hadoop security, in a secure way.

Hadoop Security with Kerberos, Hadoop Tokens

When Hadoop is used in enterprise production environment, it is advisable to have its security feature turned on, to protect your data and guard against mistakes.

Kerberos Authentication

The most common authentication provided by Apache Hadoop is via Kerberos, which requires a KDC to authenticate users and services.

A user can authenticate with KDC via username/password or use a keytab. KDC distributes a tgt to authenticated users. Hadoop services, such as name node and job tracker, can use this tgt to verify this is authenticated user.

Hadoop Tokens

Once a user is authenticated with Hadoop services, Hadoop will issue tokens to the user so that its internal services won't flood KDC. For a description of tokens, see here.

Hadoop SecurityManager

For human users, one authenticate with KDC with a kinit command. But for scheduler such as Azkaban that runs jobs on behalf as other users, it needs to acquire tokens that will be used by the users. Specific Azkaban job types should handle this, with the use of HadoopSecurityManager class.

For instance, when Azkaban loads the pig job type, it will initiate a HadoopSecurityManager that is authenticated with the desired KDC and Hadoop Cluster. The pig job type conf should specify which tokens are needed to talk to different services. At minimum it needs tokens from name node and job tracker. When a pig job starts, it will go to the HadoopSecurityManager to acquire all those tokens. When the user process finishes, the pig job type calls HadoopSecurityManager again to cancel all those tokens.

Settings Common to All Hadoop Clusters

When a user program wants to talk to a Hadoop cluster, it needs to know where are the name node and job tracker. It also needs to know how to authenticate with them. These information are all in the Hadoop config files that are normally in $HADOOP_HOME/conf. For this reason, this conf directory as well as the hadoop-core jar need to be on azkaban executor server classpath.

If you are using Hive that uses HCat as its metastore, you also need relevant hive jars and hive conf on the classpath as well.

Native Library

Most likely your Hadoop platform depends on some native library, this should be specified in java.library.path in azkaban executor server.

temp dir

Besides those, many tools on Hadoop, such as Pig/Hive/Crunch write files into temporary directory. By default, they all go to /tmp. This could cause operations issue when a lot of jobs run concurrently. Because of this, you may want to change this by setting to a different directory.

Settings To Talk to UNSECURE Hadoop Cluster

If you are just starting out with Hadoop, chances are you don't have kerberos authentication for your Hadoop. Depending on whether you want to run everything as azkaban user (or whatever user started the azkaban executor server), you can do the following settings:

  • If you started the executor server with user named azkaban, and you want to run all the jobs as azkaban on Hadoop, just set azkaban.should.proxy=false and obtain.binary.token=false
  • If you started the executor server with user named azkaban, but you want to run Hadoop jobs as their individual users, you need to set azkaban.should.proxy=true and obtain.binary.token=false

Settings To Talk to SECURE Hadoop Cluster

For secure Hadoop clusters, Azkaban needs its own kerberos keytab to authenticate with KDC. Azkaban job types should acquire necessary Hadoop tokens before user job process starts, and should cancel the tokens after user job finishes.

All job type specific settings should go to their respective plugin conf files. Some of the common settings can go to and

For instance, Hadoop job types usually require name node tokens and job tracker tokens. These can go to

Azkaban as proxy user

The following settings are needed for HadoopSecurityManager to authenticate with KDC:


This principal should also be set in core-site.xml in Hadoop conf with corresponding permissions.


One should verify if the proxy user and keytab works with the specified KDC.

Obtaining tokens for user jobs

Here are what's common for most Hadoop jobs

This implementation should work with Hadoop 1.x


Additionally, if your job needs to talk to HCat, for example if you have Hive installed with uses kerbrosed HCat, or your pig job needs to talk to HCat, you will need to set for those Hive job types


This makes HadoopSecurityManager acquire a HCat token as well.

Making a New Job Type on Secure Hadoop Cluster

If you are making a new job type that will talk to Hadoop Cluster, you can use the HadoopSecurityManager to take care of security.

For unsecure Hadoop cluster, there is nothing special that is needed.

For secure Hadoop clusters, there are two ways inlcuded in the hadoopsecuritymanager package:

  • give the key tab information to user job process. The hadoopsecuritymanager static method takes care of login from that common keytab and proxy to the user. This is convenient for prototyping as there will be a real tgt granted to the user job. The con side is that the user could potentially use the keytab to login and proxy as someone else, which presents a security hole.
  • obtain Hadoop tokens prior to user job process start. The job wrapper will pick up these binary tokens inside user job process. The tokens should be explicitly cancelled after user job finishes.

By paring properly configured hadoopsecuritymanager with basic job types such as hadoopJava, pig, hive, one can make these job types work with different versions of Hadoop with various security settings.

Included in the azkaban-plugins is the hadoopsecuritymanager for Hadoop-1.x versions. It is not compatible with Hadoop-0.20 and prior versions as Hadoop UGI is not backwards compatible. However, it should not be difficult to implement one that works with them. Going forward, Hadoop UGI is mostly backwards compatible and one only needs to recompile hadoopsecuritymanager package with newer versions of Hadoop.

Azkaban HDFS Browser

The Azkaban HDFS Browser is a plugin that allows you to view the HDFS FileSystem and decode several file types. It was originally created at LinkedIn to view Avro files, Linkedin's BinaryJson format and text files. As this plugin matures further, we may add decoding of different file types in the future.


Download the HDFS plugin from the download page and extract it into the web server's plugin's directory. This is often azkaban_web_server_dir/plugins/viewer/.


By default, Azkaban HDFS browser does a do-as to impersonate the logged-in user. Often times, data is created and handled by a headless account. To view these files, if user proxy is turned on, then the user can switch to the headless account as long as its validated by the UserManager.


These are properties to configure the HDFS Browser on the AzkabanWebServer. They can be set in azkaban_web_server_dir/plugins/viewer/hdfs/conf/

Parameter Description Default The name of this viewer plugin HDFS
viewer.path The path to this viewer plugin inside viewer directory. hdfs
viewer.order The order of this viewer plugin amongst all viewer plugins. 1
viewer.hidden Whether this plugin should show up on the web UI. false
viewer.external.classpath Extra jars this viewer plugin should load upon init. extlib/*
viewer.servlet.class The main servelet class for this viewer plugin. Use azkaban.viewer.hdfs.HdfsBrowserServlet for hdfs browser The class that handles talking to hadoop clusters. Use for hadoop 1.x
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as individual user hadoop accounts on a secure cluster, defaults to false false
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and hadoop. Similar to how oozie should be configured, for secure hadoop installations
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user Whether to allow users in the same headless user group to view hdfs filesystem as that headless user false

Azkaban Jobtype Plugins Configurations

These are properties to configure the jobtype plugins that are installed with the AzkabanExecutorServer. Note that Azkaban uses the directory structure to infer global settings versus individual jobtype specific settings. Sub-directory names also determine the job type name for running Azkaban instances.


Jobtype plugins determine how individual jobs are actually run locally or on a remote cluster. It gives great benefits: one can add or change any job type without touching Azkaban core code; one can easily extend Azkaban to run on different hadoop versions or distributions; one can keep old versions around while adding new versions of the same types. However, it is really up to the admin who manages these plugins to make sure they are installed and configured correctly.

Upon AzkabanExecutorServer start up, Azkaban will try to load all the job type plugins it can find. Azkaban will do very simply tests and drop the bad ones. One should always try to run some test jobs to make sure the job types really work as expected.

Global Properties

One can pass global settings to all job types, including cluster dependent settings that will be used by all job types. These settings can also be specified in each job type's own settings as well.

Private settings

One can pass global settings that are needed by job types but should not be accessible by user code in For example, the following settings are often needed for a hadoop cluster:

Parameter Description The hadoopsecuritymanager that handles talking to a hadoop cluseter. Use for 1.x versions
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as individual user hadoop accounts, or run as the Azkaban user itself, defaults to true
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and hadoop. Similar to how oozie should be configured, for secure hadoop installations
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user The jars or xml resources every job type should have on their classpath. (e.g. ${hadoop.home}/hadoop-core-1.0.4.jar,${hadoop.home}/conf) The jvm args that every job type should have to jvm.
hadoop.home The $HADOOP_HOME setting.

Public settings

One can pass global settings that are needed by job types and can be visible by user code, in For example, hadoop.home should normally be passed along to user programs.

Settings for individual job types

In most cases, there is no extra settings needed for job types to work, other than variables like hadoop.home, pig.home, hive.home, etc. However, it is also where most of the customizations come from. For example, one can configure a two Java job types with the same jar resources but with different hadoop configurations, thereby submitting pig jobs to different clusters. One can also configure pig job with pre-registered jars and namespace imports for specific organizations. Also to be noted: in the list of common job type plugins, we have included different pig versions. The admin needs to make a soft link to one of them, such as

$ ln -s pig-0.10.1 pig

so that the users can use a default "pig" type.

Azkaban job type plugin design provides great flexibility for developers to create any type of job executors which can work with essentially all types of systems -- all managed and triggered by the core Azkaban work flow management.

Here we provide a common set of plugins that should be useful to most hadoop related use cases, as well as sample job packages. Most of these job types are being used in LinkedIn's production clusters, only with different configurations. We also give a simple guide how one can create new job types, either from scratch or by extending the old ones.

Command Job Type (built-in)

The command job type is one of the basic built-in types. It runs multiple UNIX commands using java processbuilder. Upon execution, Azkaban spawns off a process to run the command.

How To Use

One can run one or multiple commands within one command job. Here is what is needed:

Type Command
command The full command to run

For multiple commands, do it like command.1, command.2, etc.

Sample Job Package

Here is a sample job package, just to show how it works:

Download (Uploaded May 13, 2013)

HadoopShell Job Type

In large part, this is the same Command type. The difference is its ability to talk to a Hadoop cluster securely, via Hadoop tokens.

The HadoopShell job type is one of the basic built-in types. It runs multiple UNIX commands using java processbuilder. Upon execution, Azkaban spawns off a process to run the command.

How To Use

The HadoopShell job type talks to a secure cluster via Hadoop tokens. The admin should specify obtain.binary.token=true if the Hadoop cluster security is turned on. Before executing a job, Azkaban will obtain name node token and job tracker tokens for this job. These tokens will be written to a token file, to be picked up by user job process during its execution. After the job finishes, Azkaban takes care of canceling these tokens from name node and job tracker.

Since Azkaban only obtains the tokens at the beginning of the job run, and does not requesting new tokens or renew old tokens during the execution, it is important that the job does not run longer than configured token life.

One can run one or multiple commands within one command job. Here is what is needed:

Type Command
command The full command to run

For multiple commands, do it like command.1, command.2, etc.

Here are some common configurations that make a hadoopShell job for a user:

Parameter Description
type The type name as set by the admin, e.g. hadoopShell
dependencies The other jobs in the flow this job is dependent upon. The Hadoop user this job should run under.
hadoop-inject.FOO FOO is automatically added to the Configuration of any Hadoop job launched.

Here are what's needed and normally configured by the admin:

Parameter Description The class that handles talking to Hadoop clusters.
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as individual user Hadoop accounts.
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and Hadoop, for secure clusters.
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user
obtain.binary.token Whether Azkaban should request tokens. Set this to true for secure clusters.

Java Job Type

The java job type was widely used in the original Azkaban as a built-in type. It is no longer a built-in type in Azkaban2. The javaprocess is still built-in in Azkaban2. The main difference between java and javaprocess job types are:

  1. javaprocess runs user program that has a "main" method, java runs Azkaban provided main method which invokes user program "run" method.
  2. Azkaban can do the setup, such as getting Kerberos ticket or requesting Hadoop tokens in the provided main in java type, whereas in javaprocess user is responsible for everything.

As a result, most users use java type for running anything that talks to Hadoop clusters. That usage should be replaced by hadoopJava type now, which is secure. But we still keep java type in the plugins for backwards compatibility.

How to Use

Azkaban spawns a local process for the java job type that runs user programs. It is different from the "javaprocess" job type in that Azkaban already provides a main method, called JavaJobRunnerMain. Inside JavaJobRunnerMain, it looks for the run method which can be specified by (default is run). User can also specify a cancel method in the case the user wants to gracefully terminate the job in the middle of the run.

For the most part, using java type should be no different from hadoopJava.

Sample Job

Please refer to the hadoopJava type.

hadoopJava Type

In large part, this is the same java type. The difference is its ability to talk to a Hadoop cluster securely, via Hadoop tokens. Most Hadoop job types can be created by running a hadoopJava job, such as Pig, Hive, etc.

How To Use

The hadoopJava type runs user java program after all. Upon execution, it tries to construct an object that has the constructor signature of constructor(String, Props) and runs its run method. If user wants to cancel the job, it tries the user defined cancel method before doing a hard kill on that process.

The hadoopJava job type talks to a secure cluster via Hadoop tokens. The admin should specify obtain.binary.token=true if the Hadoop cluster security is turned on. Before executing a job, Azkaban will obtain name node token and job tracker tokens for this job. These tokens will be written to a token file, to be picked up by user job process during its execution. After the job finishes, Azkaban takes care of canceling these tokens from name node and job tracker.

Since Azkaban only obtains the tokens at the beginning of the job run, and does not requesting new tokens or renew old tokens during the execution, it is important that the job does not run longer than configured token life.

If there are multiple job submissions inside the user program, the user should also take care not to have a single MR step cancel the tokens upon completion, thereby failing all other MR steps when they try to authenticate with Hadoop services.

In many cases, it is also necessary to add the following code to make sure user program picks up the Hadoop tokens in "conf" or "jobconf" like the following:

// Suppose this is how one gets the conf
Configuration conf = new Configuration();

if (System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION") != null) {
    conf.set("mapreduce.job.credentials.binary", System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION"));

Here are some common configurations that make a hadoopJava job for a user:

Parameter Description
type The type name as set by the admin, e.g. hadoopJava
job.class The fully qualified name of the user job class.
classpath The resources that should be on the execution classpath, accessible to the local filesystem.
main.args Main arguments passed to user program.
dependencies The other jobs in the flow this job is dependent upon. The Hadoop user this job should run under. The run method, defaults to run()
method.cancel The cancel method, defaults to cancel()
getJobGeneratedProperties The method user should implement if the output properties should be picked up and passed to the next job.
jvm.args The -D for the new jvm process
hadoop-inject.FOO FOO is automatically added to the Configuration of any Hadoop job launched.

Here are what's needed and normally configured by the admin:

Parameter Description The class that handles talking to Hadoop clusters.
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as individual user Hadoop accounts.
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and Hadoop, for secure clusters.
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user
hadoop.home The Hadoop home where the jars and conf resources are installed.
jobtype.classpath The items that every such job should have on its classpath.
jobtype.class Should be set to azkaban.jobtype.HadoopJavaJob
obtain.binary.token Whether Azkaban should request tokens. Set this to true for secure clusters.

Since Azkaban job types are named by their directory names, the admin should also make those naming public and consistent.

Sample Job Package

Here is a sample job package that does a word count. It relies on a Pig job to first upload the text file onto HDFS. One can also manually upload a file and run the word count program alone.The source code is in azkaban-plugins/plugins/jobtype/src/azkaban/jobtype/examples/java/

Download (Uploaded May 13, 2013)

Pig Type

Pig type is for running Pig jobs. In the azkaban-plugins repo, we have included Pig types from pig-0.9.2 to pig-0.11.0. It is up to the admin to alias one of them as the pig type for Azkaban users.

Pig type is built on using hadoop tokens to talk to secure Hadoop clusters. Therefore, individual Azkaban Pig jobs are restricted to run within the token's lifetime, which is set by Hadoop admins. It is also important that individual MR step inside a single Pig script doesn't cancel the tokens upon its completion. Otherwise, all following steps will fail on authentication with job tracker or name node.

Vanilla Pig types don't provide all udf jars. It is often up to the admin who sets up Azkaban to provide a pre-configured Pig job type with company specific udfs registered and name space imported, so that the users don't need to provide all the jars and do the configurations in their specific Pig job conf files.

How to Use

The Pig job runs user Pig scripts. It is important to remember, however, that running any Pig script might require a number of dependency libraries that need to be placed on local Azkaban job classpath, or be registered with Pig and carried remotely, or both. By using classpath settings, as well as pig.additional.jars and udf.import.list, the admin can create a Pig job type that has very different default behavior than the most basic "pig" type. Pig jobs talk to a secure cluster via hadoop tokens. The admin should specify obtain.binary.token=true if the hadoop cluster security is turned on. Before executing a job, Azkaban will obtain name node and job tracker tokens for this job. These tokens will be written to a token file, which will be picked up by user job process during its execution. For Hadoop 1 (HadoopSecurityManager_H_1_0), after the job finishes, Azkaban takes care of canceling these tokens from name node and job tracker. In Hadoop 2 (HadoopSecurityManager_H_2_0), due to issues with tokens being canceled prematurely, Azkaban does not cancel the tokens.

Since Azkaban only obtains the tokens at the beginning of the job run, and does not request new tokens or renew old tokens during the execution, it is important that the job does not run longer than configured token life. It is also important that individual MR step inside a single Pig script doesn't cancel the tokens upon its completion. Otherwise, all following steps will fail on authentication with hadoop services. In Hadoop 2, you may need to set -Dmapreduce.job.complete.cancel.delegation.tokens=false to prevent tokens from being canceled prematurely.

Here are the common configurations that make a Pig job for a user:

Parameter Description
type The type name as set by the admin, e.g. pig
pig.script The Pig script location. e.g. src/wordcountpig.pig
classpath The resources that should be on the execution classpath, accessible to the local filesystem.
dependencies The other jobs in the flow this job is dependent upon. The hadoop user this job should run under.
pig.home The Pig installation directory. Can be used to override the default set by Azkaban.
param.SOME_PARAM Equivalent to Pig's -param
use.user.pig.jar If true, will use the user-provided Pig jar to launch the job. If false, the Pig jar provided by Azkaban will be used. Defaults to false.
hadoop-inject.FOO FOO is automatically added to the Configuration of any Hadoop job launched.

Here are what's needed and normally configured by the admin:

Parameter Description The class that handles talking to hadoop clusters.
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as individual user hadoop accounts.
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and hadoop, for secure clusters.
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user
hadoop.home The hadoop home where the jars and conf resources are installed.
jobtype.classpath The items that every such job should have on its classpath.
jobtype.class Should be set to azkaban.jobtype.HadoopJavaJob
obtain.binary.token Whether Azkaban should request tokens. Set this to true for secure clusters.

Dumping MapReduce Counters: this is useful in the case where a Pig script uses UDFs, which may add a few custom MapReduce counters

Parameter Description
pig.dump.hadoopCounter Setting the value of this parameter to true will trigger the dumping of MapReduce counters for each of the generated MapReduce job generated by the Pig script.

Since Pig jobs are essentially Java programs, the configurations for Java jobs could also be set.

Since Azkaban job types are named by their directory names, the admin should also make those naming public and consistent. For example, while there are multiple versions of Pig job types, the admin can link one of them as pig for default Pig type. Experimental Pig versions can be tested in parallel with a different name and can be promoted to default Pig type if it is proven stable. In LinkedIn, we also provide Pig job types that have a number of useful udf libraries, including datafu and LinkedIn specific ones, pre-registered and imported, so that users in most cases will only need Pig scripts in their Azkaban job packages.

Sample Job Package

Here is a sample job package that does word count. It assumes you have hadoop installed and gets some dependency jars from $HADOOP_HOME:

Download (Uploaded May 13, 2013)

Hive Type

The hive type is for running Hive jobs. In the azkaban-plugins repo, we have included hive type based on hive-0.8.1. It should work for higher version Hive versions as well. It is up to the admin to alias one of them as the hive type for Azkaban users.

The hive type is built using Hadoop tokens to talk to secure Hadoop clusters. Therefore, individual Azkaban Hive jobs are restricted to run within the token's lifetime, which is set by Hadoop admin. It is also important that individual MR step inside a single Pig script doesn't cancel the tokens upon its completion. Otherwise, all following steps will fail on authentication with the JobTracker or NameNode.

How to Use

The Hive job runs user Hive queries. The Hive job type talks to a secure cluster via Hadoop tokens. The admin should specify obtain.binary.token=true if the Hadoop cluster security is turned on. Before executing a job, Azkaban will obtain NameNode and JobTracker tokens for this job. These tokens will be written to a token file, which will be picked up by user job process during its execution. After the job finishes, Azkaban takes care of canceling these tokens from NameNode and JobTracker.

Since Azkaban only obtains the tokens at the beginning of the job run, and does not request new tokens or renew old tokens during the execution, it is important that the job does not run longer than configured token life. It is also important that individual MR step inside a single Pig script doesn't cancel the tokens upon its completion. Otherwise, all following steps will fail on authentication with Hadoop services.

Here are the common configurations that make a hive job for single line Hive query:

Parameter Description
type The type name as set by the admin, e.g. hive
azk.hive.action use execute.query
hive.query Used for single line hive query. The hadoop user this job should run under.

Specify these for a multi-line Hive query:

Parameter Description
type The type name as set by the admin, e.g. hive
azk.hive.action use execute.query
hive.query.01 fill in the individual hive queries, starting from 01 The Hadoop user this job should run under.

Specify these for query from a file:

Parameter Description
type The type name as set by the admin, e.g. hive
azk.hive.action use execute.query
hive.query.file location of the query file The Hadoop user this job should run under.

Here are what's needed and normally configured by the admin. The following properties go into

Parameter Description The class that handles talking to hadoop clusters.
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as individual user hadoop accounts.
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and hadoop, for secure clusters.
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user
hadoop.home The hadoop home where the jars and conf resources are installed.
jobtype.classpath The items that every such job should have on its classpath.
jobtype.class Should be set to azkaban.jobtype.HadoopJavaJob
obtain.binary.token Whether Azkaban should request tokens. Set this to true for secure clusters.
hive.aux.jars.path Where to find auxiliary library jars
env.HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH ${hive.aux.jars.path}
hive.home $HIVE_HOME
hive.classpath.items Those that needs to be on hive classpath, include the conf directory

These go into

Parameter Description
job.class azkaban.jobtype.hiveutils.azkaban.HiveViaAzkaban
hive.aux.jars.path Where to find auxiliary library jars
env.HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH ${hive.aux.jars.path}
hive.home $HIVE_HOME
hive.jvm.args -Dhive.querylog.location=. -Dhive.exec.scratchdir=YOUR_HIVE_SCRATCH_DIR -Dhive.aux.jars.path=${hive.aux.jars.path}

Since hive jobs are essentially java programs, the configurations for Java jobs could also be set.

Sample Job Package

Here is a sample job package. It assumes you have hadoop installed and gets some dependency jars from $HADOOP_HOME. It also assumes you have Hive installed and configured correctly, including setting up a MySQL instance for Hive Metastore.

Download (Uploaded May 13, 2013)

New Hive Jobtype

We've added a new Hive jobtype whose jobtype class is azkaban.jobtype.HadoopHiveJob. The configurations have changed from the old Hive jobtype.

Here are the configurations that a user can set:

Parameter Description
type The type name as set by the admin, e.g. hive
hive.script The relative path of your Hive script inside your Azkaban zip The hadoop user this job should run under.
hiveconf.FOO FOO is automatically added as a hiveconf variable. You can reference it in your script using ${hiveconf:FOO}. These variables also get added to the configuration of any launched Hadoop jobs.
hivevar.FOO FOO is automatically added as a hivevar variable. You can reference it in your script using ${hivevar:FOO}. These variables are NOT added to the configuration of launched Hadoop jobs.
hadoop-inject.FOO FOO is automatically added to the Configuration of any Hadoop job launched.

Here are what's needed and normally configured by the admin. The following properties go into (or into ../

Parameter Description The class that handles talking to hadoop clusters.
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as individual user hadoop accounts.
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and hadoop, for secure clusters.
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user
hadoop.home The hadoop home where the jars and conf resources are installed.
jobtype.classpath The items that every such job should have on its classpath.
jobtype.class Should be set to azkaban.jobtype.HadoopHiveJob
obtain.binary.token Whether Azkaban should request tokens. Set this to true for secure clusters.
obtain.hcat.token Whether Azkaban should request HCatalog/Hive Metastore tokens. If true, the HadoopSecurityManager will acquire an HCatalog token.
hive.aux.jars.path Where to find auxiliary library jars
hive.home $HIVE_HOME

These go into (or into ../

Parameter Description
hive.aux.jars.path Where to find auxiliary library jars
hive.home $HIVE_HOME
jobtype.jvm.args -Dhive.querylog.location=. -Dhive.exec.scratchdir=YOUR_HIVE_SCRATCH_DIR -Dhive.aux.jars.path=${hive.aux.jars.path}

Since hive jobs are essentially java programs, the configurations for Java jobs can also be set.

Common Configurations

This section lists out the configurations that are common to all job types


This job property is useful for jobs that need to read data from or write data to more than one Hadoop NameNode. By default Azkaban requests a HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN on behalf of the job for the cluster that Azkaban is configured to run on. When this property is present, Azkaban will try request a HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN for each of the specified HDFS NameNodes.

The value of this propety is in the form of comma separated list of NameNode URLs.

For example: other_namenodes=webhdfs://host1:50070,hdfs://host2:9000

HTTP Job Callback

The purpose of this feature to allow Azkaban to notify external systems via an HTTP upon the completion of a job. The new properties are in the following format:

  • job.notification.<status>.<sequence number>.url
  • job.notification.<status>.<sequence number>.method
  • job.notification.<status>.<sequence number>.body
  • job.notification.<status>.<sequence number>.headers

Supported values for status

  • started: when a job is started
  • success: when a job is completed successfully
  • failure: when a job failed
  • completed: when a job is either successfully completed or failed

Number of callback URLs

The maximum # of callback URLs per job is 3. So the <sequence number> can go up from 1 to 3. If a gap is detected, only the ones before the gap is used.

HTTP Method

The supported method are GET and POST. The default method is GET


Each job callback URL can optional specify headers in the following format

job.notification.<status>.<sequence number>.headers=<name>:<value>\r\n<name>:<value>

The delimiter for each header is '\r\n' and delimiter between header name and value is ':'

The headers are applicable for both GET and POST job callback URLs.

Job Context Information

It is often desirable to include some dynamic context information about the job in the URL or POST request body, such as status, job name, flow name, execution id and project name. If the URL or POST request body contains any of the following tokens, they will be replaced with the actual values by Azkabn before making the HTTP callback is made. The value of each token will be HTTP encoded.

  • ?{server} - Azkaban host name and port
  • ?{project}
  • ?{flow}
  • ?{executionId}
  • ?{job}
  • ?{status} - possible values are started, failed, succeeded
The value of these tokens will be HTTP encoded if they are on the URL, but will not be encoded when they are in the HTTP body.



  • job.notification.started.1.url=!!&job=?{job}&status=?{status}
  • job.notification.completed.1.url=!!&job=?{job}&status=?{status}
  • job.notification.completed.2.url=!!


  • job.notification.started.1.url=
  • job.notification.started.1.method=POST
  • job.notification.started.1.body={"type":"workflow", "source":"Azkaban", "content":"{server}:?{project}:?{flow}:?{executionId}:?{job}:?{status}"}
  • job.notification.started.1.headers=Content-type:application/json

VoldemortBuildandPush Type

Pushing data from hadoop to voldemort store used to be entirely in java. This created lots of problems, mostly due to users having to keep track of jars and dependencies and keep them up-to-date. We created the VoldemortBuildandPush job type to address this problem. Jars and dependencies are now managed by admins; absolutely no jars or java code are required from users.

How to Use

This is essentially a hadoopJava job, with all jars controlled by the admins. User only need to provide a .job file for the job and specify all the parameters. The following needs to be specified:

Parameter Description
type The type name as set by the admin, e.g. VoldemortBuildandPush The voldemort push store name The push store owners Push store description
build.input.path Build input path on hdfs
build.output.dir Build output path on hdfs
build.replication.factor replication factor number The hadoop user this job should run under.
build.type.avro if build and push avro data, true, otherwise, false
avro.key.field if using Avro data, key field
avro.value.field if using Avro data, value field

Here are what's needed and normally configured by the admn (always put common properties in and for all job types).

These go into

Parameter Description The class that handles talking to hadoop clusters.
azkaban.should.proxy Whether Azkaban should proxy as individual user hadoop accounts.
proxy.user The Azkaban user configured with kerberos and hadoop, for secure clusters.
proxy.keytab.location The location of the keytab file with which Azkaban can authenticate with Kerberos for the specified proxy.user
hadoop.home The hadoop home where the jars and conf resources are installed.
jobtype.classpath The items that every such job should have on its classpath.
jobtype.class Should be set to azkaban.jobtype.HadoopJavaJob
obtain.binary.token Whether Azkaban should request tokens. Set this to true for secure clusters. Set to true such that Azkaban doesn't pick up user supplied jars.

These go into

Parameter Description
voldemort.fetcher.protocol webhdfs
hdfs.default.classpath.dir HDFS location for distributed cache
hdfs.default.classpath.dir.enable set to true if using distributed cache to ship dependency jars

For more information

Please refer to Voldemort project site for more info.

Create Your Own Jobtypes

With plugin design of Azkaban job types, it is possible to extend Azkaban for various system environments. You should be able to execute any job under the same Azkaban work flow management and scheduling.

Creating new job types is often times very easy. Here are several ways one can do it:

New Types with only Configuration Changes

One doesn't always need to write java code to create job types for end users. Often times, configuration changes of existing job types would create significantly different behavior to the end users. For example, in LinkedIn, apart from the pig types, we also have pigLi types that come with all the useful library jars pre-registered and imported. This way, normal users only need to provide their pig scripts, and the their own udf jars to Azkaban. The pig job should run as if it is run on the gateway machine from pig grunt. In comparison, if users are required to use the basic pig job types, they will need to package all the necessary jars in the Azkaban job package, and do all the register and import by themselves, which often poses some learning curve for new pig/Azkaban users.

The same practice applies to most other job types. Admins should create or tailor job types to their specific company needs or clusters.

New Types Using Existing Job Types

If one needs to create a different job type, a good starting point is to see if this can be done by using an existing job type. In hadoop land, this most often means the hadoopJava type. Essentially all hadoop jobs, from the most basic mapreduce job, to pig, hive, crunch, etc, are java programs that submit jobs to hadoop clusters. It is usually straight forward to create a job type that takes user input and runs a hadoopJava job.

For example, one can take a look at the VoldemortBuildandPush job type. It will take in user input such as which cluster to push to, voldemort store name, etc, and runs hadoopJava job that does the work. For end users though, this is a VoldemortBuildandPush job type with which they only need to fill out the .job file to push data from hadoop to voldemort stores.

The same applies to the hive type.

New Types by Extending Existing Ones

For the most flexibility, one can always build new types by extending the existing ones. Azkaban uses reflection to load job types that implements the job interface, and tries to construct a sample object upon loading for basic testing. When executing a real job, Azkaban calls the run method to run the job, and cancel method to cancel it.

For new hadoop job types, it is important to use the correct hadoopsecuritymanager class, which is also included in azkaban-plugins repo. This class handles talking to the hadoop cluster, and if needed, requests tokens for job execution or for name node communication.

For better security, tokens should be requested in Azkaban main process and be written to a file. Before executing user code, the job type should implement a wrapper that picks up the token file, set it in the Configuration or JobConf object. Please refer to HadoopJavaJob and HadoopPigJob to see example usage.

System Statistics

Azkaban server maintains certain system statistics and they be seen http:<host>:<port>/stats

To enable this feature, add the following property "executor.metric.reports=true" to

Property "executor.metric.milisecinterval.default" controls the interval at which the metrics are collected at

Statistic Types

Metric Name Description
NumFailedFlowMetric Number of failed flows
NumRunningFlowMetric Number of flows in the queue
NumQueuedFlowMetric Number of flows in the queue
NumRunningJobMetric Number of running jobs
NumFailedJobMetric Number of failed jobs

To change the statistic collection at run time, the following options are available

  • To change the time interval at which the specific type of statistics are collected - /stats?action=changeMetricInterval&metricName=NumRunningJobMetric&interval=60000
  • To change the duration at which the statistics are maintained -/stats?action=changeCleaningInterval&interval=604800000
  • To change the number of data points to display - /stats?action=changeEmitterPoints&numInstances=50
  • To enable the statistic collection - /stats?action=enableMetrics
  • To disable the statistic collection - /stats?action=disableMetrics

Reload Jobtypes

When you want to make changes to your jobtype configurations or add/remove jobtypes, you can do so without restarting the executor server. You can reload all jobtype plugins as follows:

curl http://localhost:EXEC_SERVER_PORT/executor?action=reloadJobTypePlugins